Friday, February 8, 2013

Independence day celebration in Grenada!  We went to the celebration down to Grenada Stadium for the ceremony.  It was a complete cluster of events, first our faithful taxi driver Trevor had an issue with his van and could not come get us. However, we did not know this till the Shademan (the other taxi) had driven off, so Jenny at the Oasis called him and he came back for us through heavy traffic and then took us up to the stadium VIP seating which was nice.  After the very long ceremony which included the Governor General, who received a rousing welcome, and the Prime Minister, who only got a smattering of applause, we could not find our driver, the Shademan, or his van so we started walking back towards St Georges and low and behold we found a bar so we could sit down and think about our situation and have a coldy.  They had wifi so I was able to Skype call Trevor who then offered to come and take us back to the boat, he had his van repaired.   All in all it was quite the adventure, the Grenada military, the bands, the jumbies and the really bad smelling dude that was wearing a sea fan piece of coral and a big wooden shaped (bleep) around his neck and was drooling and talking to the bushes. Randy asked him if we could take a picture with me in it for 1 dollar EC and he said no I get 10 no pictures. The day ended near the cruise ship dock in the Creole Shop with a nice sunset from the bar, as you can see......

The day before we took the scenic market tour around to all the markets, the bakery, the vegtable fruit market and the IGA, the market was a fun trip........


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