Friday, March 1, 2013

Diving Dominica

Dive Master Rudy

Yans, my new German friend had hooked me up with Aldive at the south end of the harbor for a two tank dive experience.  Samantha and all the crew were so friendly and fun to work with.  Bobbie our captain and Rudy the dive master were excellent. Rudy grew up just a few feet from the dive shop and told us about the history of the area and where we were going to dive.  The first dive was in Scott’s head which is actually the crater of mount Soufriere volcano which erupted 20,000 years ago. We started out on a shelf about 20 feet deep and then went over a wall they call the abyss which drops off to over 3,000 feet.  The fish, corals, and turtles were incredible as the visibility was around 200 feet.  We dropped to 110 feet and drifted along enjoying the slight current pushing us.  After an hour or so surface time captain Bobby took us to the little village at Scotts Head and showed us the warm water pools the elders were bathing in, all of course powered by the volcano.  The second dive was on a reef called Champagne because of the fact that volcanic vents are venting into the sea here and makes the water like Champagne.  Rudy showed us hot water vents you could put your hands in and feel the heat, the rocks are orange from the sulfur and iron coming from the vents.  Rudy said before he became a dive master he was farming about two hours hike to the forest as he was farming herbs the government may think are illegal, hmmm.  All in all it was a wonderful dive and I was exhausted, so much so I feel asleep at 4:30 and awoke at dark, but hey who really cares I’m in the islands mon!

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